4 Andro
Brutal 4ce (4-DHEA) is a 2-step precursor, first converting to androstenediol, then to androstenedione, and then to testosterone. Conversion often gets interrupted in digestion, so we have implemented a highly scientific delivery method called Liposomal technology to remedy this.
We have also attached esters to the compound in Brutal 4ce, creating an environment for sustained release of the 4-DHEA throughout the time of use. Esters are added to the molecule to control its release, which eliminates the need to be dosed throughout the day on a manually timed schedule. We included the undecanoate and caprylate esters, as well as the unesterified 4-DHEA to provide prolonged elevated levels with multiple peaks. A simple AM/PM dosing schedule is all you need for optimal results. No more setting your alarm to take pills.
Brutal 4ce (4-DHEA) by design is non-methylated and does not affect the liver like most steroidal products have in the past. The liver contains the necessary enzyme needed to convert 4-DHEA into testosterone, but this process does not, in any way, harm liver function.
You can expect a serious amount of muscle and strength to be added with Brutal 4ce. This is a serious compound for serious bodybuilders and athletes looking to pack on the mass on short notice. Just because the negative side-effects are non-existent, does not mean you won’t be experiencing some of the best results of your life. Huge pumps in the gym and adding weight to the bar each workout is not an overreach of expectations. Your GH and IGF-1 levels will be hitting new highs as well as your sex drive – a nice perk.
Brutal 4ce belongs to our suite of hardcore anabolic muscle-builders. If extreme muscle growth is what you are going for, go ahead and take a look at Chosen1 and Abnormal. We also highly recommend taking a Post Cycle Therapy with hardcore anabolics, so feel free to check out our own PCTV as well.
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